Practical & Functional Literacy Skills in Life & Business In the Digital World:

The More You Learn; The More You Can Create to Earn! My goal in this course/programme is to help you with the Holistic, Practical & Functional Literacy Skills for total transformation in the way you perceive yourself and how best you can interact with the world to have a big picture of yourself that will inspire and empower you with the creative power to explore your knowledge, talents, and skills, and exploit them for survival and success in the Digital Global World.

Literacy in the present-day world has come to mean more than just being able to read and write. So, this course/ programme will introduce you to all the basic literacies and learning skills you need in the present-day Digital World. The course will help in transforming the way you perceive yourself and the way you interact with the world around you? This course is specifically created to inspire and empower you to be comfortable and confident in being yourself and being the best of yourself in the way you interact with the world for survival and success in life and business in the Digital Global World. Holistic Literacy & Learning Skills is an inclusive, Functional, and Practical Course that will inspire and empower you with all the Basic Literacy Skills you need for survival and success in life and business in the present-day Digital World.

  • You will learn to be Functional and Practical with all the Literacy and Learning skills you will explore and practise in this course programme.
  • You will learn how to feel home and dry with all the Basic Literacies that are relevant for survival and success in the present-day Digital World.
  • You will learn to be conversational, empathetic, and all the soft skills that are highly in demand in the present-day Business World.
  • You will learn to feel comfortable and confident in any social and business settings as you explore the world for opportunities in Life and Business in the Digital Global World.
  • The course will inspire and empower you to be creative and explore your talent and skills for survival and success in life and business in the Digital Global World.
  • So, be smart and join the course and learn to survive and succeed in the present-day Digital Global World.


#  Basically, The Holistic Literacy & Learning Programme is a competence and transformation-based curriculum programme, where you need to learn to develop, grow, and apply what you are learning and transform with each and every course you access and enroll in.

•   There is going to be [ 6] Compulsory Course Modules to be done and finished.

•   Then [4] Elective Course Modules from all the modules that make up the Holistic Literacy & Learning Programme.

•   To qualify for a Holistic Literacy Badge, you need to complete, [6] Compulsory Course Modules and [4] Electives.

•   So, be prepared to stick in with us, and explore, for transformation and growth with your course programme.

•   NB. Note here that each course published for your access will be charged separately with its own price for value tag!

Who is Holistic Literacy & Learning Course/Programme For?

# It is for you if you want to learn to be creative and transform yourself in the way you interact with knowledge and learning in the present-day Digital world.

# It is for you if you want to feel home and dry with all Basic Literacies needed for survival and success in life and Business in the Digital world.

# It is for Elementary, Intermediate, and Advanced Students who want to be comfortable and confident in Learning anything in Life and Business in the Digital World.

# It is for entrepreneurs who want to be literate in all Basic Literacies needed for survival and success in Life and Business in the Digital World.

# It is for any parent who wants to master all Basic Literacy Skills to empower themselves to assist and appreciate their children's effort in Literacy and Learning in the present-day Digital World.

Note Here!

# This course/programme is not for you if you do not believe in Literacy and Learning and how it empowers you to be creative and productive in Life and Business in the Digital world.

# It is is not for you if you think buying a course will suddenly make you to earn millions without being creative. You have to learn to explore your skills and exploit them to earn and enjoy yourself.

# It is not for you if you haven't realised the need and importance of Holistic Literacy & Learning in the present-day Digital world.

#It is not for you if you do not want to invest in yourself to be literate and confident enough to interact with the world without fear, but confidence in exploring opportunities in Life and In Business for survival and success in the Digital Global World.

#Remember, if you enroll, this course, will help in transforming you and the way you interact with the world in Life and Business in the present-day Digital World.

Cost-Effective, Sign Up!

holistic literacy-reading skill
The Reading Skills

This part of the course will expose you to useful and helpful ideas in Life & Business.

holistic literacy- writing skills
The Holistic Literacy & Learning Skills Course: $125

This Course will empower you with all the Practical & Functional Literacy Skills to transform you into being comfortable and confident in exploring and exploiting your knowledge, talents & skills for survival and success in the Digital World.

holistic literacy-Language skills
Appropriate Language Skills

This part of the course will help you to be comfortable and confident in any social and business settings.